Terasoft Development practice builds stable business systems closely aligned with our clients business goals. We have a strong commitment to our clients success. We deliver what our clients ask for, in closely managed timeframes, with an exceptional level of quality.

Terasoft uses all of the analytical methods and quality-driven processes we have assembled over years of continuous improvement initiatives. Our disciplined project management helps us efficiently deliver quality systems through tight and proactive control of all project aspects. Our systems developers hit all milestones using fundamental software engineering, deep technological expertise, and a constant focus on our clients objectives.

We have expertise in a wide range of technologies including client/server, internet/intranet and embedded systems. Traits common to every project driven by
Terasoft include:
Disciplined project management
Alignment with business goals
Flexible adaptation to new or changing business needs
Tight integration of Terasoft with client teams
Stable, scalable, and flexible architecture
Appropriate use of technology
Rapid convergence of estimates
Smooth transition from development to production
These objectives drive all of Terasoft development efforts. We work closely with you to reach the vision of your business, and have proven that this approach leads to an optimal business relationship.

Copyrights © 2005
Terasoft International Inc.

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